Drop-In NPC: Edward, The Elder Treant

Welcome, hope you are having a good day and are looking forward to meeting Edward. This NPC is a based off of the Elder Treant statblock that was posted this Monday. Friday, there will be a table for types of forests, with descriptions. Now go read about Edward and start thinking about where you can add him to your game, or not that’s to you.


        The Elder Treant isa title given to treants that have reached the age of 1000. Among this small but powerful group is a treant that goes by the name Edward. Edward is a lover of stores and loves to listen to the traveling tales of those that pass by his forests.


  • Appearance:
    • General: Edward is an elm tree with far reaching branches and leaves. His leaves are a light green and turn a golden yellow during fall. His light brown bark contains his grandfather-like face that is almost never seen without a smile on it.
  • Personality: Edward is a caring grandfather of all. He shows kindness to the people of the wrld as long as they do not bring harm to him or his forest. If they do, well, just look out for that branch.
  • Quirk: Edward loves stores and will place himself near campsites to hear the stories of passing travelers. Sometimes he even goes out of his way to ask them to tell him stories.
  • History: Edward was born like many a treant, hidden away in a secret grove until he awakened.
    • Awakening: Edward was awakened after 95 years of living as a normal tree and spent much of his early awakening learning the ropes of living as a treant from the older treants in his secret grove.
    • Fire Burning: When Edward was 345, a group of people wanted to clear out a large amount of trees for space using fire. In the process they killed many potential treants and normal denizens of his forest.
    • People-Cutting: This burning resulted in many treants and druids lashing out, including Edward. They fought to stop the fires and fought and killed many of the people responsible.
    • Wood Council: Many years later, Edward was a respected treant of the forest and led a deal with local woodsmen about the appropriate trees to cut and what not to do in his forest.
    • Traveling Tree: Now, old age and the power that came with it has given Edward the ability to travel through the trees to other forests. Which he makes great use of to help other forests with troublemakers and seek out new stories.


        Edward can be found in any forest as he is able to travel, due tohis power as an Elder Treant. This means that as long as your players are in a forest or near one you could drop Edward in.

Plot Hooks

Edward, while powerful, does not like to travel far outside the forests of the world. This could lead to him to ask adventurers with something that is far past the tree line. Some possible adventures he could supply are:

  • Travel and stop a group of arsonists that have fled back to a city after being chased out of the forest by treants.
  • Find out and stop the source of what is causing a forest to start to decay.
  • Protect a potential treant from the danger of a nearby battlefield.