We are nearing the end of the month of September, and I have decided to make the last Wednesday a Drop-In NPC. So enjoy Suki, the 3-Eye Newt, because you are not getting another Drop-In NPC for a while.
The Deadeye Newt is a monstrosity created by those that have no whims about using the eyes of the dead to enhance the mental powers of a small lizard. One such person took it further when they used three eyes on one lizard. The immense power derived from the magical process strengthened the newt beyond the creator’s power. The lizard used this power to break the mind of the horrid man that created it from the eyes of a kid. It now walks the plane looking to kill those that bring harm to childern.
- Appearance:
- General: Suki is a purple newt with three human eyes sewn into her body. Her original eyes were removed, and the three eyes decorate her head and back. The two across her back are smaller than the one that adorns her head.
- Personailty: Suki is a rather motherly perso… lizard. But she only shows this side of her to children and is rather cold to adults, believing them to be incapable of protecting children from harm. It hurts her feelings when people are terrified of her appearance, which causes her to usually mess with people’s minds so that it doesn’t bother them.
- Quirk: Despite having three eyes Suki happens to have rather bad vision.
- History: Suki was a normal newt kept as a pet by a child of a normal village until she was captured and subjected to the experiments of a madman.
- Happy Pet: Suki was picked up in the wild and brought back to a small house in a village by a young girl named Lizzy. The girl loved Suki and took care of her. The two had fun and cared for one another.
- Death In the Family: One day a wizard came to the house and asked for shelter. Lizzy’s father made the wizard a place to stay but this man was no wizard. He was a mad scientist and killed Lizzy and her single father.
- Experiments: The madman had been tinkering with Deadeye Newts but wanted more power, so he used more than one eye. He also used the eye of the newt’s famliy, believing that the emoitional connection would grant the newt more power. He was right.
- Vengence: After gaiing immense power from the eyes of her family. Suki killed the madman. She first broke his mind over week, months. Eventually letting him die from stravation.
- Travels: Suki now travels the world looking to kill those that bring harm to children, especially those like Lizzy.
Since Suki travels the plane looking for those that harm children, your players could find her in almost any place. If you want her to have a reason to be where she is you could have a hurt child nearby, but you could also have your players come across her while she is in the middle of her travels.
Plot Hooks
Since Suki wants to protect children, it would only make sense that she would task adventurers with saving children. She doesn’t having to ask adventurers for help using her telepathy, since most adventurers are adults, but if she most some examples would be:
- Save some children that were kidnapped by cultists that plan on sacrificing them to a demon or devil
- Save an orphanage from going out of business