Homebrew Monster: Arachni Web Shooter

        We now make our way to the Giant Tribe and their specialized warriors, the Web Shooters. Allied with the Giant Spider, the Giant Tribe decided to make use of what they believed to be integral to what it means to be a spider, the web.

        Have fun with the Web Shooter and check out other Arachni here: the Arachni and the Arachni Trapper.


        The Web Shooter is an Arachni that specializes in the use of webs and calls the Giant tribe their home. Through years of training, they are able to strengthen their webs, giving them a silver hue. Also, through a secret use of body manipulation the Giant tribe is able to allow the expulsion of webs through the forearm instead of the mouth, which other Arachni use.

2 thoughts on “Homebrew Monster: Arachni Web Shooter”

  1. Pingback: Arachni: Giant Tribe - OrangeDM

  2. Pingback: Friday Tables: Arachni Bonds - OrangeDM

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