To the first post of my new blog. I am the OrangeDM and decided to make a blog about my homebrew. Today we will be checking out a monster that I made. I plan on posting three times a week. Mondays will be homebrew monsters. Wednesdays will be random stuff, from NPCs to homebrew rules. Fridays will be tables that I have made.
The Homebrew Monster of this week is the Sap-Ling, a sap like monster that has risen from the ashes of burnt trees. The creature is meant for low-level play with its 1/4 CR, but we all know how reliable that is. Now go check out the lore and statblock down below.
Sap-Lings are the spawn of hatred and sap. They are born from the burnt remains of a tree. Specifically, the remains of a tree burnt by a “civilized” race. The creatures born from the hate of the ash-ridden tree want nothing but the destruction of the “civilized” races and the destruction that they have wrought upon its home.
Sappy Sludge: The Sap-Lings take the form of small humanoid oozes. They maintain the shape of the creatures that burnt down its tree and maintain that shape as their sap solidifies soon after being born. While the sap solidifies it is still relatively malleable, which the Sap-Lings make use of while throwing parts of themselves to hurt those outside of the range of their close-range attacks.
Poisonous Nature: While not all the trees that the Sap-Lings are born from are poisonous, all Sap-Lings are. The trees that birth them make use of the deadly defense of other plants, poison. This poisonous nature can be seen in the appearance of the Sap-Lings. While they are mostly made of a dark green sap there are hints of the purple poison within their bodies.
I try to playtest every monster before I post them, but I am just one person. So, something that works at my table may not at others. If you feel inclined fill out the form below on how the monster worked for you. I am glad for any feedback.
I plan on using the feedback the fix the statblocks so that I can either repost them or put them in a down the line product for sale.
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